Thursday, August 17, 2006

At the Moment (feel like doing one of these)

Catch Phrase: Inquiry is inevitable.

Listening to: Mackey's Dreamhouse. I swear this is a coincidence. This recording has lived in my CD turntable since Jack first gave it to me years ago, except for the brief period of time where my initial copy had worn out and Jack hadn't given me another yet. I listen to the whole thing, but generally only hear the 5th movement, although I really like this really specific 45 seconds of the 4th movement (steady rain, steady rain) and get pissed off when I hear the 5th movement kick into gear and realize that I ignored the 4th movement again. Sometimes I would swear that my favorite parts of the piece don't actual exist on the recording, but have only been extrapolated in my mind.

Currently reading: Hofstadter/Dennett edited (composed and arranged) The Mind's I. Enjoying this collection, but surprised by how many of the selections are drawn from science fiction. Still fascinating concepts and reflections, and I think I have an understanding of Dennett's stance on fiction-at-large, but still...

Also reading: William Gaddis' JR. Just started this novel. It's all dialogue so far, so kind of difficult, but in a good way. I do like difficult fiction, no matter how dumb it makes me feel sometimes.

About to start reading: A bilingual edition of poems by Friedrich Hölderlin (translated by Michael Hamburger). A combination of my desire to keep active with the German language and also my desire to understand the poetry of Paul Celan, which requires an understanding of both Hölderlin and Heidegger, and especially Hölderlin as explicated by Heidegger, which requires an understanding of Hegel (who, according to Marcuse, essentially demarcates the "end" of Western philosophy, as he is the Enlightened, Protestant return to Aristotle), which requires an intense fluency in academic German, which requires my gaining even a tourist's German, which requires the study of German as well as an active engagement with the German language until I can actually get my ass to German and learn it for real...

Currently drinking: Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel. Perhaps the finest concept beer I have ever had the pleasure to consume. Look for it your local snobby-beer outlet. Requires at least a tourist's knowledge of Belgian, American, and British beer styles, and how it is actually possible to make a beer that subtly combines (more than just combines, really) elements of all three.

Currently embarrassed by: This post.

"That's the bottom line, baby!"


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