Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bridges before Roads

Greetings from Atlanta! I'm here, in the heart of Georgia (well, maybe not the heart of Georgia - I actually must admit, I suppose, that I have no idea here Atlanta actually is, except that its about 11 hours and 40 minutes south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), on my driving-trip to Miami, Florida. This is my layover day, to recover my strength (sleep in) before finishing the trek with another 10-or-11 hour drive from here to Miami tomorrow.

So, in my drive, I noticed two or maybe three things about the South:

1) Road signs, on the highway, say "BRIDGE ICES BEFORE ROAD" instead of "BRIDGE FREEZES BEFORE ROAD."

2) There is a large stretch on the highway, in South Carolina, approaching Georgia, where South Carolina really tries to sell itself as the place to go to get peaches. This to me, seemed, pretty like a pretty shallow attempt to cop some of Georgia's peach market. Like Oregonian (rather than Washington) apples. They even had a big water tower, there in SC, painted to look like a peach. I asked my Georgian friend about this, and she reports that there is a noticeable difference between the two states' peaches. South Carolina peaches are, apparently, sweeter and less mealy. I don't like peaches anyway, so I guess its moot to me.

3) I saw an Alabama license plate with pictures of an apple, a ruler, and a graduation cap on it. Yeah right.


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