Friday, August 18, 2006

The First Rule of Fight Club Is — You Do Not Actually Ever Watch Fight Club

I don't like reading reviews of movies I want to see, but I really like reading reviews of movies I'm not going to see. I like this snippet about "Snakes on a Plane" from Dana Stevens in Slate:
But those of us who had no expectations — much like the characters in the movie who assumed there were no snakes on their plane — were wrong. Dead wrong. Who knows whether Snakes will have — forgive me — legs, but it's more than awesome enough to assure opening-weekend euphoria for those who were waiting for it already.
See, this totally makes me vaguely want to see this movie, then not see it, then think about renting it on DVD for a while but never getting around to it, and then deciding not to see it after Nate tells me it's not as good as everyone says. (See also: Fight Club.) In other words, exactly what a movie review is supposed to do.

Anyway, Happy Weekend, everybody!


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