Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm Not Watching the Steelers Game.

Miami has lived up to its wet season this week. Or, rather, the wet season has lived up to its name this week in Miami. A good week to mooch rides and be lazy about buying a new rear wheel and handlebars for your increasingly-unstable money-pit of a bike-you-had-as-a-teenager. I was awakened early this morning by one of the single loudest-and-longest (and it seems I've traded in parentheses for dashes in today's post!) roars of thunder that I have ever experienced. I think it must have been complicated by the fact that I had been asleep-and-dreaming the moment before and only halfway woke up, left in that dreamspace in the mind wherein a single moment can last for hours, such that the thunder which was room-rattlingly loud really seemed to not stop for quite a while.

Long enough for my half-dreaming brain to try and think up a reasonable explanation for such a loud-and-continuous roar. The answer, of course, was armageddon. I had been woken this early by nothing less than the apocalypse itself. As I reached to grab my phone and call a friend in New York City, to see if the world was ending there as well, that process of phone-grabbing woke me up enough to realize that the thunder had stopped, that it was storming out, and that it was entirely too early in the morning to call anybody just to ask them if the world was ending. So I was able to fall back asleep.

Half a day later, its still raining, with a stiff wind as well that causes the rain to chatter against the glass of my balcony doors. Excuse enough to once again put off watching any sports. The sports bar is only 20 blocks up the road, but entirely too far to walk in torrential rain. Admitting that I'm on the internet, though, it doesn't seem like I'm missing a whole lot this game. That'd suck if the Steelers lost to Phoenix. I mean, really.


Blogger Jack said...

Yeah, they lost, and it kind of sucked. Fought a tough game, couldn't open up any lanes for Willie, made a small handful of very big mistakes . . .

On the plus side, there is a decent Steelers bar in not-far-away Hamden, right by a public bus stop. Sweet!

9/30/2007 8:03 PM  
Blogger nate said...


10/01/2007 8:10 AM  

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