Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Obscure thing it occurred to me to look up today

It turns out that in the 1971 film version of The Andromeda Strain they did not actually kill the rhesus monkey in the scene where the scientists are testing the effects of the space virus. In fact they merely knocked it out by placing it in an atmosphere of CO2 and revived it immediately after shooting. This still seems unethical to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

CO2 is the most common way to knock out lab mice in order to kill them "humanely". You're supposed to increase the concentration slowly in a special euthanasia chamber, which I've never seen. I will testify that when you shut them in up a box with dry ice (which I have seen, and done) the things definitely look like they know they're being suffocated.

9/26/2007 11:34 PM  

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