Thursday, September 13, 2007


While I continue to put off responding to Pete's Shostakovich's 4th post, I may as well note that this morning I found a motivational poster generator on the Internet.

What I like is that I located it while googling for a suitable picture of a sailboat that I could use to make a fake motivational poster from scratch, so rather than being some random online time-waster this widget actually saved me an appreciable amount of time. Anyway, the sailboat picture I eventually borrowed is too low-res to be optimal but I was able to very quickly realize my thought:

Add to this that, thanks to iTunes, for the price of a mere dollar I could listen to "Dancing Machine" by the Jackson 5 more times than I actually cared to while putting the above poster together -- without expending much more effort than thinking, "You know what song I felt ambivalent about as a small child and haven't heard for at least ten years? 'Dancing Machine' by the Jackson 5" -- and it becomes clear that I am living in some kind of brave new world of communications technology.

The fact that I actually had to drive to the office at some point averted the full destructive power of this software tool. But, if Jack is still soliciting photos of himself for the Face Book, I totally have something to offer now:

Consider yourself motivated.

(My mind boggles at the sort of debris from my life I've retained instead of a proper copy of my own brother's high school senior photo.)


Blogger Jack said...

You have to understand, Nate's been waiting about 12 years to make fun of someone for being single.

9/14/2007 8:50 AM  
Blogger nate said...

Who's making fun? I think it's a good poster.

9/14/2007 8:53 AM  
Blogger Pete said...

It is a good poster.

9/14/2007 4:21 PM  

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