Monday, November 05, 2007

Eddie's Destiny Redux

Cannon, originally uploaded by nateborr.

I don't have much to add to Jack's rundown of this past weekend. I thought A View From The Bridge was solid too. The hamminess of some of the characters didn't bother me as much as it did Jack, I think, though the heavier dramatic touches (the roles of the chorus and narrator especially) got to be a bit much by the end. Tim Page in the Washington Post has a fairly glowing review which I think comes to a similar conclusion, that whatever you think of the drama it makes for a powerful opera.

Walking around the Manassas battlefield was nice too though we both got a little bit of sun (the Internet said it was supposed to be mostly cloudy but what does it know). The back half of my Sunday was spent in social football watching; Monday, work followed by more-or-less successful photo development and printing at class. After that, I came home and found the Steelers up four touchdowns on the Ravens; can't ask much more for the first day of the week.


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