Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hard-to-Understand Matters of Actual Import

That is to say, not the strong suit of the classic amateur blog. Yet:

1. Does polling overstate the election-day performance of African-American political candidates? The effect has been observed in the past, but research by a grad student up at Harvard suggests that no such gap has persisted beyond the early 1990s. Well, let's hope that's correct.

2. How much global-warming-induced sea level rise are we looking at before 2100? Items reported by RealClimate, here plus followup: could be a couple of feet or more. (Maybe you follow this more closely than I do, but I've usually understood sea level rise as more catastrophic but also much more distant, that is, beyond the point where we can't unscrew ourselves over.) But, who knows.

Financial system? Not touching that one.


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