Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our Day is Bloom, Dynamite

It's belated, since I'm posting from the rump end of the West Coast day, but I hope you all experienced the very jolliest of Bloomsdays. In honor of this year's I was planning to restore my Molly Worth cartoon to the Internet, since that link rotted a couple years ago when I left my VA Comcast account... But then I didn't. Pretty much the story of my goals so far this year!

As its own form of acknowledgment of the day, the NY Times this week ran a barely-news item about a Ulysses-based web comic that was barred from the App Store, presumably because Apple's gatekeepers deemed that its adaptation of the Oxen of the Sun chapter didn't achieve an aesthetically fulfilling comics analog to Joyce's playful mapping of the trajectory of English literature and language. So enjoy that, and go drink some Guinness or something while there's still time.


Blogger Jack said...

Aw man, they won't put up a Bloom cartoon app?? But that comic is awesome.

6/16/2010 9:48 PM  

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