Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Magical Synesthetic Lunchtime Experience, with Meat Loaf

As I was eating part of my turkey-meatloaf sandwich at my desk a few moments ago its taste suddenly became oddly familiar, in a hard to place way... After a couple seconds I realized it tasted exactly the way department stores smell. (Something about the relative quantities of mustard and sage in that exact region of the sandwich, I think, as well as the meatloaf being excessively dry.) This is a disturbing realization to have about one's food.


Blogger Jack said...

A few weeks ago I was sitting in the music library listening to a record of a Jean Francaix clarinet quintet, and I realized that listening to it felt remarkably like eating a piece of blueberry pie feels. Some kind of abstracted flavor & texture resonances going on.

So that was kind of synesthetic, but mostly I think I was just hungry. I'd been craving danishes that whole week too.

7/26/2006 7:11 PM  

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