Saturday, March 22, 2008

Choose and Die!

I've been meaning to post about this for just over a month now, but for whatever reason it has consistently slipped my mind. This actually came up when our cousin Max was here in Miami, visiting, back in mid-February. His first night here, Max and I were hanging out on my balcony with several of my friends from the program, and Max announced one of the single best party-conversation-questions I've ever heard (by party-conversation-question, in case it's unclear, I mean the kind of question that one asks at a social gathering (be it a party, a gettogether, a hang, or even just a sitting-a-spell-at-a-local-watering-hole) in order to stimulate lively and entertaining conversation on a theretofore (is 'theretofore' correct usage?) unexpected topic). I will propose the question here shortly, but refrain from answering it immediately (as hopeful as I ever might be that the comments section might be particularly useful), as to not prematurely effect your own answer. Max's question was:

Which would you rather face: Zombie Apocalypse or Alien Apocalypse?


Blogger Unknown said...

definitely alien apocalypse. thing is, you're going to die either way. it's an apocalypse. with a zombie apocalypse, it would just be dead bodies crazed for human flesh. we've all seen a dead body before. they look nasty and smell funny. nothing new or interesting there. but with an alien apocalypse, at least i'd get to witness something i've never seen before - life not from Earth. i'm gonna kick the bucket either way, so it still sucks. but if i have a choice, i want to get a taste of something fascinating before i croak.

3/22/2008 10:38 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

I agree with Nick. Sign me up for Alien Apocalypse.

And no, of course "theretofore" isn't correct usage.

3/22/2008 11:57 AM  
Blogger Pete said...

There were some strong arguments made down here for zombie apocalypse, but I must agree with alien apocalypse as well. There's also the chance that the aliens don't mean to be killing us - that they're just trying to communicate, so to me the upside potentail for alien post-apocalypse is much greater than any possible zombie post-apocalypse. Though shooting a bunch of zombie's might be fun.

3/22/2008 3:53 PM  
Blogger nate said...

Zombie Apocalypse would smell baaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

3/22/2008 6:57 PM  

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