Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break Recap 2K8

Not to be outdone by my esteemed older brother, I thought that I, as well, would recap my last week. Especially since it was Spring Break in South Florida, so therefore should have been quite eventful.

Monday: Spring Break is great. When one is only a grad student, having a week off is a call-back to one's finest times of unemployment and lazing about. I finally had a chance to start reading a book by Christopher Norris about some of the problems that having been plaguing postmodern thought for the last couple decades, which has been great reading (it being well known that I am something of an anti-postmodernist (at least American neo-pragmatist (cultural relativist (everything is rhetoric (and rhetoric is only performative persuasion within always-already pre-existing consensus values (etc.)))))). Finally found, in Norris (who introduced me to Bhaskar), proponents of a combination of scientific realism and the best parts of deconstructionism and Frankfurt school Marxism that is exactly (more or less (and more in-depth)) what I've been advocating myself for a few years now. This, is, admittedly, uninteresting to everyone else that I know, but it is also well known that I like to feel like I'm right about stuff, and this type of reading certainly helps that. I will, as I have been since the blog's inception, despite this brief foray into the topics, return now to avoiding writing about any of these sorts of things that interest me in a general way on the blog (do, mostly, to their boring-ness).

Tuesday: It being Spring Break, I didn't really bother going to bed 'til something like 7 in the morning. Amazing how quickly time passes, though, when you're not really doing anything (actually, I was busy beating 3 in Three, finally, after all these years of thinking I was dumb because I wasn't very good at that game when I was 9 and Nate was 11 (the game does involve hours of game play, even though I am definitely way more puzzle-smart now than I was back in the early 90s (hurray!))).

Wednesday: I joined one of those internet movie rental gambits about a month ago, so have been back on a kick of watching a decent number of movies. I didn't watch all of them on Wednesday, but highlights have been: Weekend, Dead or Alive, and Interiors. Finally watched the Simpsons movie too, which wasn't terrible, but far from great.

Thursday: Hung out with the winner and the other runner-up of my programs AAP Poetry Prize, in an exclusive winner's gathering. Ate Chinese food, drank cava and beer, watched Howl's Moving Castle, and spend several hours just talking about poetry, without having to worry about recognizing other people's opinions that poetry is not, in fact, the best thing ever, as it were. Lot's of fun to just sit around and talk shop though.

Friday: Did I mention how lame my Spring Break was? I never really did anything for it back in college either (though I did go to San Francisco back during my Senior year (though I was mostly alone, and there for an audition)), so I guess, like so many other things, Spring Break, as well, is just not my thing. Meanwhile, I didn't know it was Easter weekend until a friend mentioned it off-hand to me. Seems kind of early for Easter this year (when is Passover?).

Saturday: Started watching Firefly on the internet (all 14 episodes can be watched for free at... okay I'm getting bored with this post. I almost made it, too. I guess I didn't blog anything because nothing of even mild interest happened. Geez.

Sunday: I had forgotten already it was Easter. All the grocery stores were closed. Mumbled swears to myself to and from the BP, where I bought some French Onion Sun Chips and Purple Vitamin Water for Easter Dinner.)


Blogger Jack said...

WOOOOOOO Spring Break Miami!!!

3/24/2008 12:29 PM  
Blogger nate said...

Spring break; wooo.

Firefly is a pretty great show. Kyle and I just finished with Arrested Development (though that was like my 5th or 6th pass through it) and Veronica Mars, so we may go back to that to round out a trio of beloved cult shows that were unceremoniously axed before their time...

3/24/2008 11:54 PM  
Blogger Dan B. said...

After Firefly, I recommend the two Judd Apatow serieseses that came before his movie successeses--Freaks and Geeks and its ersatz sequel Undeclared.

3/27/2008 11:54 AM  
Blogger Pete said...

Thanks for the recommendations (though, I just started in on Season 1 of The Wire, so my TV-on-DVD watching may be dedicated to that for the next while).

3/27/2008 3:39 PM  

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