Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Election Wrapup

I voted before work yesterday, at a local elementary school with a forty-five-minute line at the polls. I had a latte and a New Yorker to pass the time with. Gotta rock it east coast liberal elite style.

Connecticut has paper forms and markers. I almost disenfranchised myself by putting X's in the scantron bubbles instead of filling them in, but I caught myself halfway through. Man, I thought, Did high school teach me nothing about filling in bubbles? I used to be good at this sort of thing.

The state broke 60–40 against its anti-gay-marriage proposition (specifically the question of whether to convene a constitutional convention) so I am happy about that.

I successfully avoided absorbing any non-news news until going over to a work friend's gathering around 9 pm. They called PA and Ohio shortly after that, and obviously as soon as that much Steelers turf was going blue it was the end of things, no matter how the cable anchors were stretching it out. So not much nervousness; I guess the wine helped too.

I'm not sure I've reacted in line with a historic occasion; I'm more relieved that enough people have come into their senses that we've got a fighting chance of improving things. It's not good news so much as it's necessary news, and it's making me impatient for January to roll around already.

One thing that made me inordinately giddy during the postmortem coverage was hearing one of the anchors describe how the Bidens were going to move into the Naval Observatory. I think they get the keys to the undisclosed location, too. Maybe they can renovate it into a rec room or something.

I really like this chart. Simple explanations are elegant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I echo your reaction. Not as positively elated that Obama won as I would have been devastated if McCain had won.

11/05/2008 11:05 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

Indeed indeed. I've witnessed a lot of very elated people in my community and school, but I'm much more not-depressed than anything else.

But, of course, I'll be unhappy until our capitalism is overhauled, so, blah blah blah...

here's hoping for some epic investment in national infrastructure!

11/06/2008 3:12 PM  

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