Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Weather, the Burgh

So I spent a long weekend in Pittsburgh, Thursday through Monday; I was kind of bummed out about the weather (mid-forties, overcast, often raining), largely since it wiped out the Pirates game I was going to attend with our parents & Mike. Then I read Monday's paper and realized I was missing the worst spurt of weather in the Northeast for some time, and easily the worst since I arrived in Connecticut. Lingering nor'easterly winds did delay my flight back to JFK by a couple of hours, but overall I was unaffected. (I do have some crop-circle-like water stains on the ceiling of my room now -- the deck is right above it -- but since no water actually came through into the room it's fine. Landlords: called.)

Escape to Pittsburgh for the sake of the weather? Stranger things have happened, I guess.

All this talk about nor'easters reminds me of this short item in the New Yorker from last year, which I think is pretty amusing. One man's mission . . .

I've become convinced that downtown Pittsburgh looks its best in diffuse light from overcast skies. The US Steel building gets that brooding, hulking look, and PPG Place takes on an especially icy sheen.


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