Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rat Haven

Ratatouille was a whimsical and wonderful movie, but of course its storyline was fictionalized and its message was overoptimistic. In real life, if a bunch of rats get together to found a restaurant, it looks less like a charming French bistro and more like this:
illus. via cellular telephone
"Cheese Restaurant" hasn't opened yet, but it looks like the poor critters are struggling with presentation and misjudging the culinary tastes of their human target market.

But, if there was a moral to Ratatouille, it was open-mindedness, so I wish them success in pulling it together. It may turn out to be superior to the Japanese restaurant it's replacing; I didn't eat there, but the friends who once did said it was completely empty at dinner hours and the staff seemed unfamiliar with the process of waiting on people.


Blogger nate said...

Based on that summary history and description I would at least partially entertain a competing theory that it's a mob front, though I supposed organized rats could be involved in that venture too.

10/21/2007 12:11 PM  

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