Wednesday, April 16, 2008

His Science is Too Tight!

I've been waiting for a couple weeks now to post about this to make sure it's legitimate, but I think it's safe to blogify it now: Science, once again, has defeated Superstition. As you may recall, I had a spate of bad luck earlier this year with my bicycle that was directly tied to my blogging about (or rather, thinking about blogging about) my lack of bicycle troubles. My jinx, I had hoped, though, wore itself out after multiple catastrophic bicycle failures and one pulled-but-never-fired firearm. My resolutions after the incidents in question were two: 1) To never, ever, go back to the bike shop again (not so much for the potential gun violence but the fact that they at some point got into the habit of shamelessly fleecing me on repair charges) and 2) To never, ever, blog about, or even think about blogging about me and my bicycles.

"But Pete!" you might charge, "You're blogging about bicycles right now! Surely, then, you also thought about blogging about it too! Isn't that dangerous?"

Well, you're right, I am blogging about bicycles right now. Why would I once again so brazenly tempt the rear-wheel-destroying fates? A couple of weeks ago, I bought one of those new-fangled self-sealing inner tubes for my oft-popped front tire (this is on the hybrid), and it seems to be the real thing! I haven't had to so much as refill it with air, let alone replace it entirely (which was happening on a bi-weekly basis for the time since the initial front-tire jinxing had occurred). Thus my newly regained comfort in blogging about bicycling. Hurrah!


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