Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I Don't Think Tina Fey Can Keep Up with This

One of my favorite parts of watching these Couric/Palin clips is admiring the merciless dagger-eyes that Couric fixes toward her interviewee. My armchair-psychological theory is that Couric figures that she herself has always been seen as cute and perky, too, but that she didn't climb up to where she is just by faking her way through it like Palin, dammit, and people had better recognize the difference.

I mean, look at her talking to Biden in this clip; she frowns, but there isn't that genuine icy bearing. Whereas when she asks Palin her followup questions, it's like she enjoys turning the dagger.

Anyway. One thing we all know is: When someone responds to a question about Supreme Court decisions by hemming and hawing and then starting out with "In the great history of America," it usually means they're trying to fake their way through a high school social studies test.

My prediction for the debate is that it'll turn out to be way less interesting than it seems like it has the potential to be. Palin doesn't implode = Palin stops her downward spiral, too, I'm afraid.


Blogger nate said...

How many discrete interview segments has Couric done with Palin anyway? I know CBS has been time-releasing them to some extent but they're starting to feel like their own SNL-style running joke, like how Sean Connery kept showing up on Celebrity Jeopardy. Not many, I'm guessing, unless she owns a whole lot of those red suits.

10/01/2008 11:20 PM  

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