Thursday, January 22, 2009

On the Onto-Theo-Logical Constitution of Footballogy

The "truth" of football dwells on the field, which the house of the Being of Football. Those that speak of the footballness of Football without recognizing it's in-dwelling on the ground of the field do not know what they are doing. The field is the ground-giving unity whereupon footballology can make its claims. In that Football, and especially playoff-Football (and here, as the culmination of the playoffs, the Super Bowl is the Highest Ground--the realm of the holy--of football) is "what it's all about" Football is the very "what it is" of football. This being-football is always-already a being-there that dwells on the field (the house of Football), and there dwells ineffably in the far-nearness of being-Football. Hence all claims of footballology are onto-football0-logic; they think the very origins of the Being-Football (which always "is" in the "there" of the ground of the field).

The foot-ball as such is the being-towards of the being-football; to characterize the foot-ball as merely the embodiment of it's potential for point-value is to subjectively objectify the being-football of the foot-ball. The foot-ball is the throwing-forward of the Destiny of Being-Football. It "is" towards its own Destiny, the "end-zone". The foot-ball in the end-zone dwells in nearness to Being-Football. Here, both celebration (of the holiness of the end-zone-approaching of the being-toward of the foot-ball) and mourning (of the unholiness of the toward-coming of the foot-ball to the inevitable antithesis of the holy end) are revealed to exist only after the being-there of Being-Football in the end-zone of its own Destiny. In that the historical claims about the holiness or unholiness of this nearness to Being-Football are assigned to an equally holy order--the triumphant football-beings exalt in their "knowledge" that the "Lord" is "good" while the mourners descry their "God" has "forgotten them." This footballogy has no vested interest in the "Lord" or "God," in that it thinks the essence of football, which has been shown to dwell in the ground of the field, and not in the holy orders which are mere recognitions of being-near the Nearest. The being-football of Being-Football preconditions the theological aspirations of historical footballogy; in this way, still, though, this thinking of the Thought of the Essence of the Being of Football (in that Football "is" what "it 'is' about" it is in unity with its Being); this onto-footballo-logic condition is at once also, then, then theo-footballo-logic. This onto-theo-logic consitution of Football (and thereby, of footballogy) cannot be explained by either ontology or theology, as it is one at once with the other.

This thinking is in no way "finished," but it does think the thoughts which precondition the being-there and the being-towards of football. There is much more thinking in this direction to be thought.


Blogger nate said...

Okay, you win. I promise not to make up names for fake intellectual domains involving football if you promise not to post any more fake Heidegger. (Fake Heidegger, right? I haven't ever successfully read any real Heidegger, on account of it reads like your post here does.)

1/22/2009 9:11 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

Yeah, it's Heidegger. Good promise.

1/23/2009 1:31 PM  

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