Friday, August 25, 2006

Arrr, I Don't Know What I'm Doin'

Lieberman, Lamont, Lieberman, Lamont. Why don't we get to vote for any crazy people?

I'd like to know just how serious that guy is. I'm not sure whether I'd be more or less likely to vote for him if he is serious, but I guess it'll be the good citizens of Iowa who have to sort this out. However, "Chain Whip Me If I Ever Ride in a Limo" is a pretty good political catchphrase regardless.

The last couple days at work I've felt, mildly but still unaccountably, nervous and occasionally even a little paranoid; not being in a particularly introspective mood I'm just chalking this up to cycles of brain chemistry and waiting for it to pass. This odd little anxiety fire was fueled today, I think, by the persistent slow rain that fell during most of the day, but damped somewhat by Nielsen's "Inextinguishable" Symphony, which I listened to at my desk after lunch. (Following on the listening list, Nielsen's Fifth and Sibelius's Fourth and Seventh symphonies. I didn't check the weather this morning, when I picked these CDs out, and I thought it would be sunny. Apparently my internal barometer is hooked up to the area of the brain responsible for atmospheric soundtracking, but not to the one responsible for bringing an umbrella to work.)

Later on I was in the middle of some twenty minutes of photocopying, and lunch wasn't sitting very comfortably and I still felt kind of wound up, and it occurred to me that if I'd had this same work day any time between last Thanksgiving and last Valentine's Day, it would probably still have been the best workday of my week. I am reminded here and there to be glad I'm not at my last job anymore.

Anyway, on that note: the weekend's here, it's stopped raining, and I'm thinking about painting my room a different color. It's flat white, like the last . . . counting . . . let's see, seven years' worth of rooms I've slept in. So I'm looking for a change, preferably in the Very Small Change Towards Something in an Off-White direction. I'll have to do some research into color environment on affect: preferably something that'll make me think I'm warmer in the winter.


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