Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hawaiin Adventures

I've been in Hawaii for nine days now. It's pretty cool. I surf every day and when I'm not surfing I watch other people surf. When I'm not watching other people surf it just means there is nobody out on the particular wave I'm watching. I've watched people tow-in surf, wipeout on 50 foot waves, and rip 30 foot waves. It's fun. Last Sunday I sat on the beach from sunrise to sunset, looking at 30-40 (occasional 50+) foot waves. The conditions were stormy, so there weren't any surfers, but I still was happy to sit there and watch, and watch...and watch. These pictures are from the three different days I went up to the North Shore. Spray from the wave hitting the reef went well over 100 feet into the air.
Looks fun, eh?
There's a guy there if you look close.


Blogger nate said...

I am snowed into my office right now. Just to compare and contrast.

Hawaii looks nice...

1/17/2008 2:03 PM  

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