Tuesday, May 30, 2006

La Lunon

After I wake up groggy on my couch after yet another ill-advised weeknight nap (the proximate causes of this one were some microwaved spaghetti and the first episode of Tanner '88 on DVD) I gather the recyclables in my kitchen and walk them out to the apartment complex's closest dumpster, tucked away from the street behind the car wash station and directly across the fence from some poor homeowner's back lawn. Over one of the other low, red-brick apartment buildings I see the thin, very red crescent moon, which reminds me unaccountably of the box art for Atari's release of Space Invaders.

(Moon visible in lower left of box art.)

I don't think it's a visual similarity as much as a shared level of general oddness, in the case of the real moon due to the color. Plus the slightly surreal feeling that always comes from walking half-awake into the clingy but fading mugginess of the night.


Blogger Jack said...

You know, when you come up with completely obscure mental associations that actually don't fall within our shared experience, it's totally baffling to me.

5/31/2006 12:27 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

And I suppose when you see rainbows, you think of Breakout then?

5/31/2006 10:44 PM  

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