Thursday, November 16, 2006

Languettes! Banderitas!

If you were to hear the words "languettes" and "banderitas," you would agree with me that they sound like they might refer to the women hanging around a saloon in Louisiana circa 1850, yes? In fact these are the French and Spanish terms for common Post-It sticky flags, which seems like a waste of colorful romance verbiage, if you ask me.

"Languette" is French for "little tongue," and "banderita" is Spanish for "little banner." I wonder what it would be in German; doubtless something more utilitarian. After a tilt with an online German dictionary I would suggest "Bemerkungsklebeflagge."

Elsewhere in the realm of office vocabulary, it occurs to me that I've got a very specific fake word that I think with some regularity, but never need to say: that word is "defrazzle," a verb meaning "to make it so the coily cord connecting the headpiece to the main part of your phone isn't all tangled up."

Does anyone else have a word for this? Maybe I should take a step back. Does anyone else occasionally feel an overwhelming need to make it so the coily cord connecting the headpiece to the main part of your phone isn't all tangled up?

I defrazzle my phone by unplugging the phone end of the coily cord & dangling it from the headpiece until it's spun enough times to unwind the tangle.


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