Friday, October 03, 2008

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72

I suppose it doesn't take much to keep up with my internetting (the only regular readings I do are the Guardian's website (despite the drastic dip in quality it took I guess a year or so ago when it fully embraced the AP wire) and The Onion AV Club), but here's a link to an opinion piece at The Guardian that I liked:

Just the usual intellectual outrage that Sarah Palin is tolerated at all as a viable candidate. As much as I've gone ahead and agreed to vote against the she-devil, I still don't really like participating in this kind of shit-fest of a political season, but did break down and watch the debate last night. I feel bad about it today, especially in perusing several online-versions of everyones favorite cable news stations, since there is obviously nothing positive that can come from my righteous disdain... (here is the textual equivalent of me trailing off on the thought, grumbling).

At any rate, it being an election year, I find the whole thing to be a constant source of depression, especially since I have too many allergies to ever fall off the grid. But I'm trying to at least spin it towards better understanding the difference between that which I could call my nihilism versus my apathy. Though I still generally don't claim to be all that apathetic about much. And feeling mopey and apathetic remind me of high school, which is too bad. Specifically, and this is maybe a mild leap, it reminds me of the kids in my high school that were fans of the great late-90s shock-rocker Marilyn Manson. They used to wear these t-shirts that said "When I'm God, everyone dies." This struck me as incredibly dumb, since, like, duh, kids, everyone dies anyway. And if things have worked out correctly for those kids, most've 'em will be voting for McCain and Palin next month just like the parents that they don't hate anymore. But when Sarah Palin is President (like anyone voting for McCain believes he's going to do anything but pull a W.H. Harrison), like, everyone dies, right?


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